The vision of Department of Mathematical And Computational Sciences (MACS) is to develop and maintain overall academic excellence in the educational and research activities carried out.
The mission of the Department of Mathematical And Computational Sciences includes the following:
- To impart the best quality education in Mathematical Fundamentals to all the Engineering Students of the institute.
- To produce high quality professionals to meet the needs of software industry through the PG programs. To engage in R&D work in the frontier areas of Mathematical and Computational Sciences.
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About the Department
The Department of Mathematics (today called, the Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences) started along with the institute(1960). The Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, formerly known as Department of Mathematics, is one of the oldest departments of NITK. The department initially catered to the needs of the UG and PG Engineering Mathematics and subsequently, in 1988-89, introduced two PG programmes, namely, the Master of Computer Applications (MCA) and Master of Technology (M.Tech.) Computational Mathematics (CMA) (earlier named Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Systems Analysis and Computer Applications).
The PG programme, Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Computational Mathematics (CMA) is replaced with Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Computational and Data Science(CDS) since 2019. A new UG programme, Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Computational and Data Science(CDS) has commenced from the year 2022.