1. Pushpajit Khaire, Praveen Kumar and Javed Imran, “Combining CNN streams of RGB-D and skeletal data for human activity recognition”, Pattern Recognition Letters 115, Elsevier, 2018, SCI indexed, IF-4.757
2. Pushpajit Khaire, Praveen Kumar, “2022 Deep learning and RGB-D based human action, human– human and human–object interaction recognition: A survey”, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Elsevier, Issue: July 2022, Vol. No.:86 Pages:103531,-1-25, SCIE, IF- 2.887
3. Pushpajit Khaire and Praveen Kumar, “RGB+ D and deep learning-based real-time detection of suspicious event in Bank-ATMs”, Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, July-2021, SCIE, IF-2.358
4. Pushpajit Khaire, Praveen Kumar, “A semi- supervised deep learning based video anomaly Detection framework using RGB-D for surveillance of real-world critical environments, Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, Elsevier, Issue: March 2022, Vol. No.:40 Pages:301346-1-11, SCIE, IF-1.805
Reviewer of Referred Journals
1. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (SCIE)
2. Artificial Intelligence Review (SCIE)
3. IEEE Sensors (SCIE)
4. International Journal of Image and Graphics (Scopus)
5. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (Scopus)