1. Project Title: Design and Development of Message Authentication Techniques for NavIC, Funding Agency: ISRO, Govt. of India, Role: Principal Investigator, Funding Amount: 21.78 Lakhs.
2. Project Title: Outsourcing Large-Scale Computations to the (Google) Cloud, Funding Agency: Google Inc. USA , Role: Principal Investigator , Grant: 4 lakhs , Duration: 1 year (2022-2023).
3. Project Title: Design and Development of Fast and Robust Authentication and Key Distillation Schemes for QKD systems, Funding Agency: DST-QuEST, Role: Principal Investigator, Grant: 140 lakhs, Duration: 3 years (2019-2022).
4. Project Title: Development of Key Distillation Engine for Quantum Key Distribution, Funding Agency: O/o PSA to GoI, Role: Principal Investigator, Grant: 15 lakhs, Duration: 1 year (2016-2017).
5. Project Title: Advanced DDoS-attack detection and mitigation systems, Funding Agency: DAE, Role: Principal Investigator, Grant: 40 lakhs, Duration: 4 years (2013-2017).
6. Project Title: Development of algorithms for computing Linear Complexity , Funding Agency: NTRO GoI, Role: Co-Investigator, Grant: 53.99 lakhs, Duration: 1.5 years (2006-2008).